Structure Of Dissertation And Difficulties Of Writing Dissertation Chapters


Writing Dissertation is a difficult process for researchers because it requires more data as well as patience to complete the work. Dissertation is the technical work which is prepared as long document and it defined as the research work which is done by us.  The objective of the thesis work is to produce the research work with clearly defined topic. The chapters of dissertation is different from research fields but in general the Dissertation Includes following Chapters like abstract,  introduction, literature review, methodology, research results, conclusions and future work, reference lists.


Abstract is the very short summary of research work. It majorly contains the objective of the research work, problems in existing work, research methods, result and conclusion of the work.


The introduction part, clearly determines the Dissertation Topic, purpose and relevance of work. In general the introduction chapter includes,

  • Research topics
  • Brief Overview of the scope of research
  • Detailed description of existing research work
  • Overview of the dissertation structure

Literature Review

Literature Review is more complex for most of the researchers because it requires enormous data relevant to research work. Literature Review Helps to identify the gap between existing and current research work.  Moreover, it provides the detailed justification of research work.


The methodology chapter provides detailed description of research work and it explains techniques, algorithms and detailed concepts. Moreover this chapter includes source of data collection, analyzing research data, description of materials and tools, justification of research work.


In this section, we provide the results of research work and comparative analysis of previous and recent research work.  Moreover, in this section we prove how our research work is best when compared to previous research.

Figure Findings and Discussion


In this section, we need to answer all the research questions and it’s more important to show how the findings contribute to familiarity in research field.

Reference List

This section includes the entire details of sources which are cited in the dissertation document and the reference style also it is crucial because it will vary from different universities. Harvard referencing and Vancouver are the most common reference styles that are used in UK universities referencing.

Formatting guidelines for dissertation

  • Font size
  • Line spacing
  • Headings
  • Page numbers
  • Punctuation
  • Title pages
  • Presentation of tables and figures

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Difficulties in Writing Dissertation Chapters

In Common, the writing is different from speaking in the sense, read again and again while the spoken form will dissolve soon unless it is recorder. These concepts are interdepending basically because human ideas, feelings, emotions, interaction are expressed through these processes. Heaton had stated that explanation of writing itself is the way of effort to transmission of oral language into written form. To write somewhat, we should know what are the types of writing from a specific audience or purpose point of view. This resembles Academic Writing, personal writing, literally writing, journalistic writing or even business writing. In general, Academic writing comprises essays, research paper or thesis, reports and so on. In fact, most of the difficulties in writing usually found in an academic writing. Some of the difficulties are insufficient knowledge of research work structure of writing, and lack of vocabularies, re-write or paraphrase.

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  1. Randolph, Justus. “A guide to writing the dissertation literature review.” Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation14, no. 1 (2009): 13.
  2. Paltridge, Brian. “Thesis and dissertation writing: An examination of published advice and actual practice.” English for Specific Purposes21, no. 2 (2002): 125-143.
  3. Roberts, Carol M. The dissertation journey: A practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation. Corwin Press, 2010.
  4. Glatthorn, Allan A., and Randy L. Joyner. Writing the winning thesis or dissertation: A step-by-step guide. Corwin Press, 2005.
  5. Meloy, Judith M. Writing the qualitative dissertation: Understanding by doing. Psychology Press, 2001.